Wednesday, April 23, 2008

LOST Junkies

So, we are still without cable…which has been fine with us since we are so busy during the week anyways. However, Chris and I have developed a sickness, an addiction rather. Chris signed us up for NetFlix, so we decided to start watching the series Lost. We can’t stop! I get home from school at 10:30 three nights a week and we still manage to get an episode or two in before we go to sleep. Last weekend we were up to 3 a.m. watching season 2. (This was after catching a movie and hanging out with friends at a local dive bar; I had to throw that in so people know we still get out.)

Everyone has been asking how I am feeling and I tell them “The pregnancy has been great, just a little tired.” Now that I think about it, I feel bad blaming the baby for being tired, it is Lost’s fault.

The purpose for this post…I recommend you watch Lost, it is awesome.

P.S. Chris, don’t watch any episodes tonight until I get home. I know we get two disks today.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Belly Pics

I had my mom take a picture of me so everyone can see how big the belly is getting. I am 30 weeks along! We have another appointment tomorrow; we go every two weeks now.

P.S. The Bob Marley CD arrived about a week ago. I played it during dinner the other night; it is the cutest things ever.

Friday, April 11, 2008

We’re Jammin’

I am so excited about my new purchase that I have to share it with everyone. Our little man is going to grow up knowing some of the music greats. In a few days my Rockabye Baby: Lullaby Renditions of Bob Marley CD will arrive. It includes calm relaxing renditions of classic Bob Marley songs. Pink Floyd is next on the list.

You can listen to it here.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I’ve never met someone (we’ll actually I haven’t met him yet) that has the hiccups as much as our baby. At least that’s what I think I am feeling. He is a very active baby.

We had an appointment yesterday. I am 28 weeks along and doing very well; I can’t believe I am in my third trimester already. The countdown begins…we can’t wait to meet him (name TBD).

A trip down memory lane…our first ultrasound picture. We were excited to find out that we were having a gummy bear. Chris still refers to the baby as Teddy.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Surprise Visitor

I forgot to mention that the Easter Bunny came to Redlands this year and hid eggs throughout our condo for Chris.

I was only able to snap one quick picture, because someone didn’t want his picture taken.

I thought these eggs were cute!

P.S. Although the bunny only left eggs for Chris, I was told to search for a present last night… a new bottle of my favorite shampoo was hiding downstairs. I also had a big bag of my favorite M&Ms waiting for me in the guest room a few weeks ago. We still don’t have cable, so we amuse ourselves by hiding surprises for each other.

Buffalo Recap

I ♥ (a boy from) NY

This past January, Chris and I took a trip to his hometown of Buffalo, NY. We had an incredible time.

Highlights of the trip, in no particular order…
  • Meeting the entire family and feeling completely welcome.
  • Chris’ mom Cindy yelling out the car window at ticket scalpers trying to find us tickets to the Sabers game. (I think some guy yelled back, “I got your tickets right here and grabbed his crotch)
  • Going to the casino, twice, to eat the buffet. (Cindy, every time I see crab legs on a menu I think of you)
  • Standing in front of Niagara Falls even thought it was freezing cold.
  • Eating all of the traditional Buffalo foods, Roast Beef on Wech, Chicken Finger Subs, Buffalo Wings, and of course pizza.

It was really hard to leave. Can’t wait for the family to come visit us (hint, hint).

Chris eating ice cream at Antoinette's

Chris and Cindy at Niagara Falls

Chris and Me in the Backyard

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Frank Lloyd Wright + Flat Tire + Ice Cream and Fish Tacos = an Exciting Day

These are a bit late, but Chris and I took a trip to L.A. a few weekends ago to visit a few Frank Lloyd Wright houses. We even got to take a tour of the Hollyhock house. Chris was so happy. He had a twinkle in his eye; just like he does when he looks at me…haha had to throw that in there. We had a great time, despite getting a flat tire. Then we headed over to The Grove, a popular outdoor shopping center and farmers market in L.A. Ate fish tacos and ice cream and then tried to find maternity pants, which is hopeless for tall girls. Guess I’ll stick to dresses.

The weather (80’s) and company (Chris) were awesome, which made for a wonderful day.

Some pictures to share…