Friday, October 31, 2008

Max, You Are Amazing!

This week you...
  • Had four shots and took them like a man. Okay, I'm exaggerating. You cried so hard you held your breath.
  • Tipped the scales at 18 lbs 3 ozs.
  • Ripped leaves of grandma's plant from your walker. You are beginning to grab everything in sight.
  • Moved into your new house and slept in your new room. (This was hard for your mom).
  • Watched the movie "Surf's Up" with mommy and seemed to enjoy it. You are becoming so aware.
  • Upgraded to size 3 diapers.
  • Went to Target and shopped for new toys. Shh, don't tell daddy the toy that got you most excited was a pink fairy that flaps her wings and sings.
Max, you are amazing and loved by so many!

-I Love You, Mom

The Creative Juices Are Flowing

So, I found a really cool Web site that will let me turn my blog into a book. Since Max's baby book only allows me to include the typical baby milestones (first time to roll over, first laugh, first word, etc.), I thought I would include all the other neat things Max does in a weekly blog post. My goal is to do these every Friday. Stay tuned.....

P.S. Happy Halloween! Pics to be posted tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Green is Totally Max's Color

While unpacking things at the new house, I came across a box of Max's hats. I'm pretty sure Grandma Cindy sent him this one. Isn't he cute....

Monday, October 27, 2008

While Daddy Works on Tile.....

Mommy coordinates a naked photo shoot

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Max's First Hockey Game

A new minor league hockey team came to Ontario and we were able to make it to a game on opening night. Max was wonderful. He sat and watched the game and then fell asleep. The ride home is another story :) We can't expect him to be perfect all the time!
This is not Chris with another woman...I just colored my hair :)

New Friend

Max is increasingly becoming aware of his toys. Grandma and Grandpa decided to add to his collection this weekend and bought him a big penguin that sings and laughs when you hit it. Look at him smiling in the background. I'm trying to coax him into walking towards it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What a Difference Four Days Can Make

I've been slacking. Between Max being sick, our house closing escrow, and working on a paper for school somethings had to give. And that something was the blog. So, here's a few pictures to get us all up to speed. Like the title of this post says, what a difference 4 days can make. Max is changing each and everyday....
Max loves his duckie.

"I'm too sexy for my shirt..."

Playdate with Miss Sophie

Big enought for a walker

Monday, October 20, 2008

Max Lived Thousands of Years Ago

We recently visited the Western Center for Archaeology and Paleontology and met another Max. He was a Mastodon that lived in the Diamond Valley Lake site thousands of years ago. The museum was very interesting and displayed Native American artifacts and Ice Age fossils that were unearthed at Diamond Valley Lake.

Here's Max. I must say our Max is much more lovable.
Max and Daddy learning about local history.
Mommy and Max in front of a sloth.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Catch Up

We've all been sick, so the posts have been put on hold. I guess this is what happens when two adults, a baby, and a dog all share a room. Chris, Max, and I all shared our germs. V-dog is the only healthy one. After three nights with a humidifier, I'm back at it and have a lot to share.

Max with his Great Grandpa Playing on the tummy
Sitting in the backyard

Who to Root For

Chargers or Bills?

Day at the Park

Max seems to enjoy his little stationary swing at, we thought today might be a great time for him to try the real thing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Typical Morning

No matter how routine everyday can be, Max always makes it fun and interesting. I don't want maternity leave to end. :(

6:45 a.m....We don't want daddy to go to work. Bath time = bonding time with Mommy and Baby

All bundled up and ready to get dressed.
Play time. He reminds me of a turtle when he does that with his top lip.
Just hanging out watching cartoons with mommy.

Copy Cat

For weeks, my dad has been making a noise with his mouth that Max finds really funny. Last night, he decided to do it back. It was hilarious. Sorry the video is kind of dark.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Max Rocks...and Now He Rolls

Okay..okay...I have to brag. Max successfully rolled from his back to his tummy with no help; I have the photos to prove it.

According to "It may take him until he's about 5 or 6 months to flip from back to front, though, because he needs stronger neck and arm muscles for that maneuver." It is hard to tell how strong his neck is because it is hidden by cheeks. Since he is only 3 months, I like to think he is an overachiever :) Way to go Max!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More of Max to Go Around

Here he is watching MSNBC and learniing about the state of our economy. He looks a little upset. (I love his serious face) Playing in the Jumperoo. Still not quite tall enough, so we use a pillow to add a few inches.
So close to rolling over. Glowie is there for moral support.

Too Cute for Words

Monday, October 6, 2008

It Was Contagious

Something must have been in the local water because babies were popping up everywhere this summer. Which means lots of buddies for Max. He had his first playdate with the beautiful Miss Sophie (my girlfriend Jodie's baby girl) on Friday. While she caught up on some sleep, Max tested out her toys. Then on Sunday, we met up with the old Avenida Marbella gang. This is the street where I spent 20 years of my life. I am so fortunate to have grown up with amazing people that I consider my family. Here are the girls with their little men. I look forward to making memories with the new generation of kids.
Here is Brett with his little man Caleb. I still remember when Brett would wear towels as a cape and build dirt bike jumps in the he's a daddy. Wow, we are getting old!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday Funday

The Chargers lost, but Max is still a loyal fan. Shopping at WalMart drives me crazy, but I could not resist buying Max a new hat to match daddy.