Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Chris!

Today is Chris' first Father's Day; a what a great daddy he is. We love him so much.

After we ate breakfast and did some quick chores around the house, we headed down to Del Mar to go to dog beach. This was Max's first time to really play at the beach and we were curious if he would enjoy it or not. Well, the kid loves the water and the sand. He learned that sand feels better than it tastes after taking a big bite when we first put him down. But after that, he crawled all around and dug little holes. Daddy took him into the water a few times and every time they came out, Max wanted to go back in. We really do have a water baby on our hands. Now he just needs a tan :)

Sand does not taste very good.

Getting the hang of it. (Don't worry, that fair skin was covered in sun screen)
Digging. He has a truck in the other hand. 
Looking for daddy in the water
V-dog after a swim. So well-behaved.
Max loves his daddy.
Talk about some serious sand in the diaper.
Playing in the water.
Back from a dip.
Ride home, post chicken taco.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Almost There

He wants to walk, but just isn't quite there. If Daddy helps him balance, he'll walk a few steps to me. It is really cute. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Must Have For Any Little Boy

According to Chris, every boy needs a Tonka truck.

A New Button to Push

Remotes, cell phones, you name it, buttons are so interesting to Max. He recently found the power button on the TV and thinks it is fun to push it over and over again.

TV on
TV off

Quick Moment For Self Praise

I just have to quickly announce that I passed my comprehensive exam, so I am done with school! (I'm smiling as I type). What am I going to do with all this free time? Ha, free time, yeah right. Max keeps us on our toes. I'll start my first week of no school with trying to blog a bit.  I also cooked dinner and did a load of laundry tonight. Off to a pretty good start :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Graduation Party

Congratulations Parker on graduating high school!!!! Hopefully I'll find out good news on Wednesday (I have my verbal defense) so I can finally graduate. We went to Parker's graduation party this weekend and Max got to play with his friends. 

He likes older women.
Kailin giving kisses.
Playing with Harley.
Max and Mommy.
Kailin shared her sweet ride with Max. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lunch on a Train???

A few miles from where we live is this interesting little shopping center that includes a cool train turned into a Chinese restaurant. Chris, being the adventurous one, wanted to give it a try. So, we went this weekend. I have to admit I was a little reluctant (I saw the A rating in the window and felt a little better). Turns out that the food was really good! The owners were very nice and brought Max cookies and oranges.  

My boys after lunch. 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Family Present

This past week we decided to purchase a bike trailer for the family. It is really awesome and also converts to a jogging stroller. Here are a few pictures of him trying out his new helmet and testing out the trailer. More pictures to come of us actually using it. 

We are now convinced Max has a big head. This helmet is supposed to be for a 3-year-old, but it was the smallest we could find. 

Cars and Trucks

Move over baby toys, Max has advanced to cars and truck. He even makes a cute "vroom" sound when he pushes them all around the house.  Grandma Cindy just bought him a set of stacking trucks that he really enjoys; the evidence is below....
Watch out V-dog!

Shower Time

I know I have written it before, but Max loves the water. No more baby tub or bath seat, the kid like to take showers like an adult. Mind you, one of us is always in there with him and he still has not figured out how to wash himself. But, he loves standing up like a big boy. Here he is getting ready to get his shower on. 
Being silly