Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day at the Museum

Once again I've been a post slacker. However, I do have a very good reason. We have been house hunting which has taken up a lot of time.

In between looking for houses with our agent this weekend, we found time to make it to the San Bernardino County museum. I must admit, I was not expecting much, but I knew Chris had really been wanting to go. I was pleasantly surprised and felt very knowledgeable about birds, the inland empire, and quartz upon leaving the building. Max was along for the ride, literally. He sat in his stroller and only woke up for milk and a picture in front of a train. Look how big he is!

Friday, August 22, 2008


If Max were a boxer or a wrestler he would be fighting in the heavy weight category. The big boy weighed in at 13.4 lbs yesterday. I must produce some pretty powerful breastmilk.

On another note, a new law was recently passed in California requiring drivers to use hands free devices if they want to talk on their cell phones. Being the law-abiding citizen he is, Max joined the rest of us Californians and is sporting a blue tooth earpiece while traveling in the car.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

7 Weeks Old

We haven't been to the doctor in a few weeks to check Max's weight and length, but I have a feeling his cheeks are in the 90th percentile. Look at the size of them :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Groggy Baby

Max is so adorable when he wakes up from a nap. I can usually get him to smile when he is still kind of groggy. Here he is after a trip in the car... (I can't figure out how to flip it)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Party, Playdate, Pool, and Planes

I've slacked on the posts the last few days; we've been busy and I haven't had the chance to catch up. So here I go...

Max joined Chris, myself, and a group of friends to celebrate Amy's birthday. He passed on the sushi, but opted for breastmilk instead. He's such a cheap date.

Max and I visited Blake, Kailin, and Ryder for a play date. Which means Blake and I drank Starbucks and talked while Max and Ryder slept and Kailin ran around and played with her toys. Once of these days Max will understand what playing means. Playing current consists of him pumping his arms in the air.

Since our little guppy loves his bath we decided to upgrade for the pool. He seemed to enjoy it.

Our little family embraced history and visited the March Air force Base Field Museum to look at the planes. Max sat on the tram and didn't make a peep.

I think he's really enjoying himself :)
Chris is going to kill me for posting this one.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Movie Time

This video captures Max during his favorite time of the day...bathtime. The way he kicks those legs we might have a future Olympian on our hands. Watch out Michael Phelps.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh, the Irony

Our "Little Boy" (see onesie) isn't so little any more. He's six weeks today and already outgrowing his cradle. Looks like the big boy crib is right around the corner.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Magic Hold

Auntie Brooke has mastered the perfect hold. Max loves it so much he drools all over her arms. Thanks for all your help today Brooke! We love you.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Busy Week/Weekend

Max is becoming the world's most travelled baby. Poor kid has spent half his life in a car seat. Give him his noochie (pacifier) and pop in the Bob Marley lullabies and the kid is ready to roll. Here are a few pictures from last week/weekend in Menifee and San Diego.
On the road again...

Max and Grandpa

Mommy's boyMax and Great Grandma Billie. "Thanks for the new quilt Grandma!" (Look at those fingers :) )

My Little Man

What a precious little boy!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Boxers or Briefs?

Max prefers his boxer-briefs that Grandma Cindy bought him. I've been waiting for the day that he can wear them because they are so cute! Here he is in bed this morning. (Just an FYI...he didn't sleep in these, we keep him much warmer. This was his "being lazy" outfit.)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Say Cheese

I promise it wasn't gas or a reflex...Max shared with us on Tuesday his first smile. My mom was able to get him to show his gummy grin and he is doing it more and more each day. I was so excited and proud of our little man. Here is a picture I was able to snap.

Home Sweet Redlands

We are back from our week of travels. I have lots of pictures to share with everyone!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Problem Solved

Woo hoo, my brother has the same camera as mine and I was able to use his USB cord to upload photos. I know everyone was going to have Max with drawls if they could not see photos for a few days (just kidding).

First time in the bath tub; we usually use the sink. Max has been a little gassy. Here he is pictured with his new friend Mylicon drops.
Funny face and receding hairline.
I just love him.
"Daddy, your whiskers are scratchy"

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Out of Town

Chris is in San Diego the next few days for work (we miss him!). I decided to stay with my parents and then head to San Diego to meet up with Chris when he is off. I thought I was prepared and packed my USB cord for my camera, but I think it got left at home. Between packing for Max (which includes a lot of stuff), myself (kind of a lot of stuff too), and Vesuvius (just a bag of dog food), I was bound to forget a few things. I've taken some great pictures over the last few days and can't wait to post them. I have a few of Max in his bath tub that are priceless. Please check back soon....