Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We always dress in the same color when we go out in public. JK, it is just a coincidence that Chris and Max match.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Facial Hair

We tried to give Max a beard like daddy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Easter Bunny

He hasn't tried carrots yet, but this bunny loves sweet potatoes.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Playing with Uncle Ryan

He still has not changed his diaper, but Max thinks uncle Ryan is pretty cool. (Max can't wait to meet uncle Andrew and Peter!)

Book Worm

Here's Max reading and Grandma's house. He likes the books that have different textures.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Max at the Park

Grandma and Grandpa kidnapped Max for a few hours a few Saturdays ago to give mom and dad time to get chores done. They had a fun day at the park.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

No shoes, no shirt, no service

Notice the old t-shirt taped to the front. I came home to daddy's way of preventing Max from scratching the new baseboards. Snotty nosed kid. We can thank daycare for that one.
It looks like we spiked his bottle with some booze.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thomas the Train PJs

He looks like such a big boy in these new pjs.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Max's Tree

We bought a tree on clearance at Home Depot after Christmas for Max. We finally planted it a few weeks ago. Now we can watch Max and his tree grow together.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Blogging Hiatus

It has been a while since I’ve added a post. My school schedule this quarter is pretty demanding which as caused very little free time. Any time I have goes to Max and Chris…oh and V-dog too. My plan was to upload about 4 posts last night. However, I’ve learned that our computer is having serious issues (cross our fingers it is not a virus) and would not let me access the Internet or anything for that matter. I am counting on my tech-savvy fiancĂ© to figure it out tonight. Hopefully everything is okay and we don’t lose all of our photos. I would be heartbroken. In the meantime, here are a few Max updates….

- He is scooting all over the place. Kind of in an army crawl fashion.
- Max loves to sing. If we start singing “If you’re happy and you know it…” he claps his hands and screams really loud.
- He left the state of California for the first time. We took a quick trip to Arizona a few weeks ago. - He is finally consistently sleeping through the night. The trick it to give him baby food about 30 minutes before he goes to sleep. Mom and Dad are very appreciative for this Max!

If I am not able to post photos tonight, I might go to my parents’ house and use their computer.