Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Crazy Max

Max is a funny little boy...


Two of my girlfriends and their adorable kids came over today for a playdate. My living room looked like a daycare center. Jodie brought a wonderful lunch for us and even made us dinner too. I think everyone had a great time.

Tornado of toys.
Sophie watching Noggin.
Sam's idea of a playdate.
Blake and Ryder.
Jodie reading to the kiddies.

Hot Summer Day

Chris is in the process of building Max and Sam an awesome play house in our backyard. Max helped daddy this weekend and then cooled off with the hose. Mommy and Sam relaxed inside.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

We are pleased to introduce... Sam Buscaglia

Our beautiful boy Sam joined the family at 1:22 p.m. on Thursday, August 20. He weighed 8lbs. 2 ozs. and was 19 3/4 inches long. He came out with a full head of dark brown hair.

My original due date was scheduled for August 24, but since I was progressing so well and he was growing pretty fast, my Dr. felt we could induce a few days early. I was ready for him to come, so we agreed to induce on Thursday morning. I was admitted at 6:00 a.m. The nurses told me I was already contracting on my own before I was given pitocin. By 8:00 I had an epidural, started the pitocin, and was progressing really well. Around 1:00, my nurse came in and said I was ready to push. Okay, I hate to brag, but Sam was out in 4 pushes. What a piece of cake :)

Mommy and Daddy waiting for Sam to arrive. We watched several episodes of Cash Cab.

Finally free from the womb.

Bath time at home.
Drying off.

Big brother Max
Max was trying to hug Sam.

Max loves Sam.

Trying to share noochies.

Serious face.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Big Boy Utensils

Now that I am home, I've had time to work with Max on using big boy utensils. So far, so good. Occasionally he holds the fork in one hand, but picks up his food with the other. I can't blame him; sometimes I wish I could eat with my hands :)

This has to be one of my favorite photos of Max. Stink eye....

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Work of Art

We had a few canvases in our guest room that we let Max paint. Chris put down some plastic in the kitchen and we just let Max go to town. He was covered in paint (and so was I) after the art session. He decided it would be fun to climb on my lap. We all had a great time and got some nice wall art out of it. Three original Max Buscaglia's; they are all one of a kind:)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Future Buffalo Sabre

Chris found a broken stick at the hockey rink, so he cut it down and taped it off for Max. Chris also found Max a puck so he can practice in the house. He'll be NHL ready in no time.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Shower Time

My dear friend Brooke threw us the most adorable baby shower get-together last night. It wasn't your traditional shower, as boys were allowed to attend. It was a small group of friends, but we had a blast. Delicious food, adorable decor (wish I had taken a picture of the tables), and amazing people. We had a great time and the new baby and Max received a lot of baby books. (We didn't want gifts, so Brooke asked everyone to bring a favorite childhood book). Great night.... Thank you everyone!

I forgot to mention that Max fell and got his first black eye
Max and Auntie Heather
Kels and me
Brooke and me. We both matched the decor (orange and blue)
Parents to be...again

ENT Appointment

Although daycare has been great, it is also the root of many of our sicknesses. I lost count of how many times the three of us have been sick this year. Poor Max had about 4 ear infections and it was recommended that he see an ear, nose, and throat specialist. 

He did really well on the hearing test and the Dr. said his ears looked great. He recommended we hold of on getting Max tubes, especially since he'll be home with me while I am on leave. So, our goal is to keep him well. 

We had to wait for a long time in the ENT office, so being the curious child Max is, he decided to climb up in the exam chair. What a little monkey. There came a point that we didn't care what he was touching. That's what they get for leaving us in there so long!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

One of My Favorite

Pictures of Chris and Max.

Goodbye Kindercare

Max and I are officially on maternity leave! (Well actually, I have a few work things to wrap up this weekend, but come Monday I am free). Max will be staying home with me, so sadly, we had to say goodbye to Kindercare on Friday. We really liked the staff there and the friends Max made were great. You can tell that the interaction has really helped him develop as a Toddler. Here is a cute picture of Max at his little Kindercare table.