Friday, January 29, 2010


When I hear Max wake up from a nap, I always put Sam in bed with him. Max gets a real kick out of it. I love watching to two of them together.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Four eyes

Prunes, prunes the magical fruit

the more you eat the more you toot. In Sammy's case we are hoping they do more than make him toot. Poor guy's pipes are a little blocked up if ya know what I mean. So the kid has been munching on prunes to try and get his system up and running. Think good thoughts for him....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cutest Fans Around

Sammy wearing Max's shirt from last year.
Really into the game.
So cute; I love the hands behind the back.
"Touchdown!" Too bad he only got to say this twice for the Chargers.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happiness is

watching my hubby almost get lodged in the slide, and....
listening to the squeal that comes out of this little guy's mouth, and...
knowing he is having a great time, and...
looking forward to this little guy's first trip down the slide.
We are very lucky!

(Thank you Great Grandma and Grandpa Mitchell for coming to the park with us and taking such great photos!)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Photo of the Day - 1/14/2010

Daddy's motorcycles.Max's motorcycle. He cracks me up!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Parenting Tip #1

If you need 15 minutes to prep dinner, follow these instructions:

1. Place large child in his younger brothers activity chair (its a trap; there's no way out)
2. Give him a bowl of popcorn
3. Turn on Yo Gabba Gabba

Mission accomplished!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'm back

Hello, hello; anyone out there? I'm finally back from a LONG blogging break. Not sure what my deal has been--just couldn't muster up any energy to write. But, I reminded myself that this blog is for the boys and our family and friends. So, I'm back with the intention of posting several times a week. Here's a quick run down of what's been going on with our little fam:

Sammy is growing so fast! Rolling over from back to tummy was so 2009. The kid is rolling all over the floor, playing with toys, cooing away, and even had his first bite of applesauce today. He sure loves his mommy; my nice way of saying he is a total mama's boy.
Max is CRAZY! He is so full of life and energy. He keep us on our toes and is probably the driving force behind me loosing baby weight. I never have a chance to relax when he's awake. So, thanks Max for helping me lose my tummy!
We got the amazing gift of San Diego Zoo passes from Grandma and Grandpa Mitchell. The passes also include the San Diego Animal Park (pictured below). Here's Max with the GG's; his way of saying giraffe.
We got to go out for New Years Eve!!!! Thanks mom and dad for hanging with the boys. The theme was masquerade and we decided to be crafty and make our own. Here is Chris' masterpiece. Definitely the best mask there.
My brother, uncle Ryan, left for the Navy today. We are going to miss him a lot; especially Max. But, we know he is going to do great in basic training. We are so proud of you Ryan.
Here we are--the tired parents. Not matter how challenging some days can be, our little guys are worth it. Here's to a happy healthy year!