Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wedding Picture Preview

We haven't received the photos from our photographer yet, but these are a few a friend of my cousin's so kindly took.

Our homemade signs. 

Open bar = good wedding.
Floral arrangements designed by my girlfriends and me.
Top level of the ultimate backyard wedding.
Lemon cake. 
Fruit display.
I cried through the entire ceremony.
Finally; we are married!
Friends gather around the bar.
Yep, that's my husband.

Hemet Air show

We like to take advantage of all the low cost events in the area. Plus, we feel exposing Max to many things is really helping his development. So, we decided to take him to the Hemet Air show on Saturday. With help from mommy and daddy (us pointing) he was able to watch the planes to tricks in the air. Although, I think he enjoyed his balloon the most.Look at that blonde hair.
Being silly.
Max and Mommy.
Inside the plane.
Max is a pilot.
He acted like he knew exactly what to do. 

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thank Goodness We Have a One-Story

Max thinks he is pretty cool climbing up the stairs at grandma's house. He makes a quick dash before you can catch him and then ignores you when you tell him to stop. The kid is developing quite the personality. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Water Baby

In between my last minute mad dash of studying (my comps are this week), we made our way to the pool. Max loves the water. We got him a great raft, but he would rather be out of it and try to swim on his own. He even goes under water. He had a blast and so did we.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Buscaglia Family Farm

Chris worked hard to build me a box for a garden (I'm a lucky girl). Hopefully I don't kill everything we planted!

Adding the soil

Max admiring daddy's hard work.
Can't decide what he loves more...noochie or the car
Angelic face
Love him
Our tomatoes
Max looking at the crop

Favorite Meal

I think Max is officially sick of baby food -- he wants big boy food. One of his favorite meals is soup that we blend in a food processor. Here he is enjoying a meal. I think the crackers are his favorite part.

Patiently waiting for his dinner.

The big meal.

His "ba ba" to wash it down. What a mess.